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    Lightweight, agile quadruped robot for AI research and enterprise applications

    Introducing DogBot

    DogBot was originally designed as an in-house platform for developing AI systems which could interact with the real world, as a means of researching embodied AI, before being pursued as a product, aimed initially at fellow AI researchers.

    DogBot is no longer on the market, as React AI is focused on software and the opportunities of the latest AI developments.


    DogBot was marketed under the React Robotics brand.


    Our Dogbots

    DogBot Prototype


    The first DogBot didn’teven have a name!



    The first ‘proper’ DogBot, YoYo, could walk and trot

    Tango DogBot


    Tango went off to Imperial College!



    Gyro got to travel to Las Vegas!

    Tango at Imperial

    DogBot in Academia

    Tango was given a new home at the Robot Intelligence Lab at Imperial College London, to help push forward the boundaries of robotic control.

    DogBot on Display

    Our partners Lenovo took Gyro and the team to show off at Autodesk University in Las Vegas.

    Gyro on-site

    DogBot in the Real World


    Our aim with DogBot was to produce a robot with the capabilities of navigating through real-world environments, with all their messiness and unpredictabilty.


    We took Gyro to a high-rise building site in London, and put it through its paces equipped with an industrial scanner produced by our partners at Faro


    You can see more on the Lenovo news website.

    Some images from our time creating DogBot

    DogBot Simulation

    DogBot’s Legacy


    We moved on from DogBot, but wanted to leave something behind, and we love open-source at React AI. So we uploaded a URDF file to GitHub so anyone can place a DogBot model in a simulated environment.


    We also uploaded the CAD files and supporting materials for the real thing, to Hackaday, so you could try building your own!


    Footnote: Where are they now?



    Tango is still at Imperial College, but after one of our home offices was flooded in 2022, during the refurbishment YoYo and Gyro were relocated to their current spots, dangling from the ceiling!



    Imperial College Robot Intelligence Lab
    London Evening Standard report
    Lenovo news article
    ZDNet news article